7/28/2016-The White Sands Pupfish will return for their 7th season in 2017.
The Pupfish will hold Spring Training in Alamogordo before opening at home against either the Roswell Invaders or Las Cruces Vaqueros on May 19th.
The Pupfish will host multiple teams for Spring Training beginning on May 10th.
The City of Alamogordo has a huge turnover in City Government and recently the German Airforce has announced they will be pulling out of Holloman.
"The Pupfish faithful and the City of Alamogordo rallied to show their support with the loss of Matt. The City has welcomed the Pupfish and would like them to stay.
We are glad to continue the Pecos League Tradition in Alamogordo."
says Pecos League Commissioner Andrew Dunn